Group profile

Jingguang Group was founded in Pan 'an County Zhejiang Province in 2005. Jingguang Group moved to Suzhou City Jiangsu Province and established Charles Sci.& in Suzhou Industrial Park as headquarter in 2016. JG group has about 3800 employees, about 300 in RD, more than 300 foreigner managers, sales amount of 2020Y is about 400million US dollars . JG Group owns strong financial strength , have three factories in China ( Suzhou Charles Sci.&Tech / Suzhou Samoh Technology / Taizhou Hande Electronics Plastics ) , three factories in Vietnam ( Dongnai Jingguang / Haiphong Jingguang / Hanoi Jingguang ) , one factory in Thailand nearby Pattaya ( SEIL controls ) , one factory in Korea Kwangju (Jingguang Tech Korea) , a warehouse and assembling line in Mexico Monterrey , one factory in Malaysia (Johor Bahru ) ,

Product category

Jingguang Group Global Strategic Layout

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